Spark Logistics- track your cargo!
New tool for monitoring and control of your cargo transportation on its way is the unique information logistics solution of Spark Logistics.
Spark Logistics guarantees reliable, efficient transportation and control of information.
Your advantages when using the monitoring of transportation by Spark Logistics are the following:
- Time saving - the constant awareness of the status of your cargo throughout the supply chain.
- Costs reducing - the involvement of small number of your personnel to solve problems and monitoring cargo traffic
- Reduction of inventory and reducing of operational load
- Focus – the possibility to identify the cargo on available data
- Convenience - simple but useful tool of work
- Assurance - your cargo are tracked by Spark Logistics personnel 24 hours a day
- Security – user’s rights provide the control over access to information
- No need for urgent measures, thanks to the immediately informing and active approach for decision-making.